Movement In The Body

movement in the body

Movement in the body is one of the most common complaints I have heard among persons who seek deliverance. It’s common among both men and women. I have seen so many individuals running from one witchdoctor or church searching for solutions. However, their problems normally worsened by going to witchdoctors. I have seen many women spending a lot at the doctor’s office searching out what could cause the feeling of a baby moving after multiple negative pregnancy tests. This leaves doctors stunned and patients confused. At times many suffer for too long, not realizing what is happening is spiritual and not physically.

There are different ways in which satan attacks his victims; through sexual intercourse in the dream, eating food in the dream and projecting or commanding evil objects inside of the body. Eating in the dream is one of the most common ways in which satan tries to oppress people. Many people eat food in their dreams that are so delicious to them but if their spiritual eyes were to be opened, they would be astonished to see what delicacy is being consumed.

Many individuals even boast about what they eat in their dreams. Many eat frogs, bugs worms, snails, poison, and many other evil things. The devil sees to it that he creates the atmosphere and entices his victims with the smell of the food.

Matthew 13:25 says, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.”

Evil projection occurs when things are commanded inside an individual’s body. When this happens, an evil spirit will carry out tasks in the life of that individual. Based on my experience in deliverance, when the spirit of death, hell and the grave is sent on a mission, moving objects will be felt in the stomach. In addition to this, money sometimes is paid to torment individuals through sicknesses and diseases and eventually death. I must note that whenever money is paid to destroy someone, at times a blood- sacrifice will be made. I have seen it far too many times; from jealous co-workers or relatives who hate the wife or husband etc.

At times satan gives his demons commands to destroy a particular individual. These individuals most times have a great calling on their life but satan sees their star and will try to destroy it. This level of oppression has destroyed many individuals through depression.

Ecclesiastes 7:7 (KJV)- Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart.
Having sex in the dream can also cause movement in the body. Many will see themselves having sex with their partner and feel all excited but, the truth is, they are engaging in sexual activities with a demon called incubus or succubus. Individuals can also become pregnant with a spiritual child that can cause movement in the belly. I have met many persons who go to doctors constantly because of a strong movement in the stomach. This causes a lot of confusion and excessive spending for those who are lacking in knowledge. While some problems are physical others are spiritual.

Hosea 4:6 (KJV)- My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Proverbs 11:9 (KJV)- But through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

I have seen Jesus delivered many from such affliction; there is nothing too hard for God to do. If you are having such an issue, seek deliverance in Jesus Christ mighty name. Do not be discouraged; put your trust and your confidence in God. The love of God does not keep us from trials but he promises to take us through our trials. God’s love for us is unchanging and unstoppable.

Psalm 118:8 (KJV)- It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Below are some anointed prayed points; please see to it that your heart is at a place to receive. Our hearts are contact point with God. Forgive anyone who has offended you so you can receive bountifully from Jesus Christ.

  1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for the grace to come into your presence. I pray that you will wash me of my sins and iniquities in Jesus’s name.
  2. Father Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not away from your presence Oh Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  3. I submit myself completely to you Oh Lord, come into my heart I pray in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  4. Every evil spirit moving about in my body, I rebuke and renounce you in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  5. I call for the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn to ashes everything moving in my body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  6. You evil spirit I break every evil covenant with you now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Blood of Jesus, flush out every evil spirit moving about in the name of Jesus Christ.
  8. I take the sword of the Lord and I plug it into the heart of every evil spirit in my body in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  9. The scripture says, my enemy will come one way and flee seven. I command you out of my body in the name of Jesus Christ.
  10. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, flush out my organs and my tissues in the name of Jesus Christ.
  11. Oh Lord, let the counsel of the enemy of my soul become foolishness in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  12. Abba Father, neutralize every effect of witchcraft power in my life in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  13. Oh Lord, my God every alter erected against my life, be completely destroyed in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  14. I bind and curse every spirit of death, hell and the grave, and cast it out of my life in Jesus’s name.
  15. Holy Spirit uproot and remove every seed of affliction in my body in Jesus’s name.
  16. I come against every fiery darts of the enemy with the blood of Jesus Christ, in the might name of Jesus Christ.
  17. I erase every evil ordinance against me by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  18. Every serpent crawling in any part of my body, crawl out and be destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  19. I drink the blood of Jesus Christ to purge my system from every contamination in Jesus Christ might name.
  20. Lord, baptize me with the fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  21. I uproot every poison and evil plantation in my body in Jesus Christ mighty name. I command you out by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
  22. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, I use it to pierce, divide and destroy every movement inside my body in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  23. Isaiah 53:5 says, ‘but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed’. I declare healing in my body, soul and spirit in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  24. Lord, thank you for hearing and answering me today in Jesus Christ mighty name.
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6 thoughts on “Movement In The Body”

  1. Glory to God I here a lot of people company about movement in there body great teachings thank you Lord amen

  2. Tamieka Frazer-Lewis

    In the mighty of Jesus. Thank you Lord for my deliverance in Jesus’s mighty name amen 🙏🏾. Thank you for these powerful prayer points. 🙏🏾I have read them and believing God for my deliverance to start to manifest now in Jesus’s mighty name amen 🙏🏾

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