Spirit Spouses

spirit spouses

A spirit spouse is a demonic spirit that marries a human’s spirit and this is normally done in the dream through sexual intercourse. I must make it clear that there are spirit husbands and spirit wives; the spirit husband will marry a woman and the spirit wife will marry a man. One may receive a dream that they are getting married but I will not hesitate to say that this is an evil covenant that has been established. That individual of course wakes up feeling great not knowing they are married to a demon that will derail their destiny and cause setback in their lives.

Matthew 13:25 – KJV
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

A spirit spouse will disguise itself to be someone who you are attracted to in order to get your agreement in the dream. It will take on the form of what is called a familiar spirit or masquerading spirit and it loves to attach itself to single ladies and men. Spirit spouses also love to take beautiful women and handsome men as their spouse. Personally, I have witnessed a lot of young Christians being delivered from the possession of this evil entity.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10 – KJV). Therefore we must be cognizant of satan’s operations and aware of his schemes.

NB: whenever a spirit spouse attaches itself to an individual they would suffer immensely. The following are some of the damages that these spirits will cause in a person’s life and some signs that indicate their interference:

  1. They will block their victims from getting married.
  2. They will cause barrenness in women and impotency and low sperm count in men.
  3. This spirit is very jealous and will chase off men who express interest in the woman they desire to marry.
  4. These spirits hijack one’s destiny and derail their lives.
  5. People that have a spirit spouse will be rejected by others for no apparent reason and undoubtedly the spirit of rejection will enter unnoticeably.
  6. Most times males and females that are possessed with this wicked spirit will have terrible nightmares and they would dream of serpents, crabs, and scorpions.
  7. They will cause frustration in finances and other aspects of an individual’s life.
  8. They cause sicknesses.
  9. They cause divorce in marriages as a lot of ladies and gentlemen manage to get married but most times the marriage would decay acidulously like rotten teeth.
  10. These spirit spouses are very jealous and will render the earthly husband impotent if he had married its wife. They will fight for what they believe is their right to have.
  11. Spirit spouses cause confusion and unnecessary arguing in the home.
  12. These spirits will cause a couple to see nothing good in each other.
  13. Seeing one pregnant in the dream when they are not married physically or even pregnant are signs that they may have a spirit husband.
  14. Missing one’s menstrual in the dream.
  15. Dreaming that you are breastfeeding or backing a baby in the dream.
  16. Having a family in the dream.
  17. Shopping with a man/woman in the dream.
  18. Seeing a man sleeping by one’s side in the dream.
  19. Hatred by an earthly spouse.

Spirit spouses have different ranks, however, to know what you are dealing with is to observe who or what you find yourself having sex within the dream. If you find yourself having sex with your mother, your father, or with animals in the dream then you now know this is a higher rank spirit spouse. A lot of single and beautiful women who desire to be married are today alone and confused as a result of this wicked spirit spouse. Some ladies go as far as being engaged to who they know is their prince charming only to find out that they have been bamboozled by their expected husband and the wedding will be called off.

These spirits bring good pleasure in dreams but in the end a covenant will be established between the evil spirit and the human involved. Most men find it exotic and jaw-dropping to have sex with the most beautiful women who would never look at them or give them the time of day in the physical. However, at nights they would sleep with these beautiful women but because of lack of knowledge they perish and enjoy the service of these demons that come to give them pleasure.

I came in contact with a man once and he explained that he was experiencing problems in his marriage; he expressed that there was no romance, no communication, and things were spinning out of control like a tornado. I asked him if he normally has sex in the dream and excitedly he said, “yes I do and I enjoy it very well”. I tried explaining what was taking place and that deliverance was needed but he said he really enjoyed the visitation of the spirit spouse so what I was saying was crazy and today his physical relationship has gotten worst.

In most instances when one partner has a spirit spouse, the spirit will initiate the other partner, hence, that couple will need to be delivered.

Hosea 4:6 – KJV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.

It is of vital importance that I mention that this spirit can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, one will find that their grandmother is not married; their mother is not married and now the grandchildren experience the same fate. This is called generational curses.
Also, you will find that the members of such a family, be it male or female will not have a settled home, they will end up divorcing because the spirit spouse refuses to share. I call this the foolishness of satan because everything that God does satan tries to copy it.
The spirit spouse does not care about one’s race, age or size. I have witnessed people being delivered and the spirit confesses that they have been inside the person from the age of seven and others from they were in the womb. Most time satan uses these spirits to attach to Christians to derailed their destinies, alter their blessings and just to usher them into the balcony of disgrace.

Young men who are possessed with this spirit will find that sometimes they will wake up wet from what is termed, “wet dreams”. I have personally spoken to and studied more than four young men that were inflicted with the spirit wife and they normally wake up being wet. However, after deliverance from this spirit based on my knowledge and constant communication with these individuals they are not experiencing the wet dreams nor having sexual intercourse in the dream.

These cruel spirits normally push individuals to masturbate and indulge in pornography and will also manage to convince them that it is their desire to do so. I cannot emphasize enough that this is wrong and that it is all because demons are operating against such individuals. If you find yourself in a similar condition, please seek deliverance and counselling. I have also seen where the spirit husband causes one to have affection for the same sex but the blood of Jesus Christ is efficacious enough to deliver you.

Ignorantly most Christians believe that once they accept Jesus Christ all is well but when we accept Jesus we automatically enter into spiritual warfare, therefore we need the whole armour of God to protect us from the wiles of the enemy.

If you observe any of these signs and believe you are a victim of this evil spirit, seek deliverance in Jesus Christ mighty name.

Prayer Points

• Father Lord, please wash me and cleanse me from my sins and iniquities in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not away and take not thine Holy Spirit from me in Jesus name.

• Father Lord, let all evil doors that I have consciously and unconsciously open, be closed in Jesus name.

• I break all evil covenant in my life in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• Every evil covenant that I have made with the spiritual spouse, I renounce them in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• You spiritual spouse, I divorce you by the blood of Jesus Christ.

• I command that you spirit spouse be caught on fire and be roasted in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• Oh blood of Jesus, destroy all evil agreement on paper regarding this evil spiritual partner.

• I issue a bill of divorcement to you in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• You spiritual spouse, where the light of God is, darkness has no hiding place.  I renounce you and I command that you come out now in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• I remind you evil spirit that sin’s power over me is broken! When Jesus went I went, when he rose I rose, sin’s power over me is broken.

• You spiritual partner operating in my life, I write your obituary and I say, die, die, die, in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• I call for the hammer of God to smash you in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• Oh great wind of God, take the ashes of this wicked demon and blow it away in Jesus name.

• I command you to not return unto me in Jesus Christ mighty name.

• Lord, thank you for hearing and answering, in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen

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13 thoughts on “Spirit Spouses”

  1. @ kwesi. Please know that abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse will and can help in the future in that it keeps the spiritual husband from being able to use sex as an entry point. On the other hand, some level of deliverance is required. You must also repent of and renounce any sins that may be in your life or that you may have committed in the past; Mainly sexual sins (fornication, adultery). Renounce any “works of the flesh”. Cancel any sexual or bad dreams you may have had in the past or recently. Fast and pray specifically in this area. Use scripture references that deals with this situation and speak them audibly as you pray. If you feel weak to pray, try praying with someone for strength. Pray with authority when you pray believing it is done. If the spirit persists repeat the instructions until Victory is won either in your personal time or through a man ofr woman of God’s choice anointed for this kind of matter. Any which way don’t give up until you have gotten your freedom. They are stubborn. You must be stubborn in your pursuit too. They will intensify once you fight against them but you have to believe and know you have the victory until it manifest. May you receive your victory in Jesus’ name.

  2. I have a spirit husband dedicated to me from my grandmother. I’m a single lady in my thirties. All my siblings are married except me. This spirit comes to have sex with me in dream. I have undergone series of deliverance and the case seems to be the same. I face trauma, shame and mockery from everyone. At times, I run away from close friends and relatives because they will ask why I’m still single. Pastors are even fed up of my case because all their efforts prove abortive. I’m currently on another deliverance. Please pray for me. I have told God that he should take my life if this problem should persist. I am lonely because my parents have neglected me with my case. I’m working but its not showing. I spend my salary on going for deliverance. Pls pray for me. I’m highly depressed.

  3. This is so deep and powerful.Thank God for the knowledge He has given through your ministry and for enabling you to impart. I am just beginning to learn of these things and I am thanking The Great God of Heaven for giving me the opportunity. I pray this will help me to be wiser, closer and connected to God and be delivered.

    1. Cherfina Thomas

      Please tell me I had a dream last night and I dreamed of 3 mermaids and 2 king mermaids but we never had sex but I was fascinated by seeing the 2king mermaids fight in the water and when they emerge it’s like I got happy please tell me something is this why my husband left and divorced me and is now engaged to his ex? What do I have to do

  4. I had a spiritual spouse and I didn’t even know immediately I was informed by a man of God. We decided to fight it, the more we fought it the more the attacked increased. Thank God I was delivered by a visiting pastor during one of the services. I will like to find out if you sustain from sex can these demons still come back,if yes why?

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  6. Victim!!!! I can see where it has manifested in my pass relationship of 10yrs just as I was arranging to get married and stop doing worldly things and turn to Christ then their comes a havoc in my life things became so bitter and I left only to find myself into something that I have said to myself from I was a teen that i will not do but he showed up in jacket and tie and decieve me but thank god for saving me,im out. Now here i am again should have been married from last year feb of 2017 ends up I have to put it off because I’ve sin against God but out of that sin a blessing comes of which I now put thought to and say to myself at times “is this really me”.smiles, never knew I could but with god all things are possible. Amen I acknowledge my sin and confess and is puting in place marriage in order to be restored but this familiar spirit isdeliveredy ferocious..it seeks to want to destroy me and stop me from walking in my purpose …help is my cry ..how do I go about getting delivered?

  7. Thank God for giving people like you Sister Mowatt, the knowledge and revelation to help others who are experiencing stuff like those! I can testify how much your article has help to transform my life, God bless you my dear as you continue working for him in Jesus name Amen.

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