Spirit Of Discouragement

the spirit of discouragement

The word discouragement means having a loss of confidence or enthusiasm. I have met the spirit of discouragement many times in my life, and based on my experience, I can tell you it’s very convincing, aggressive and persistent. The spirit of discouragement is used on everyone at one point in their lives however, it’s not always successful in completing its tasks. This is simply because it depends on the individual that is being targeted. Discouragement is bold, is a bully and is bosom friend with lying.

When the spirit of discouragement is operating, it works without ceasing to weaken its victim. The situation of Job would be a perfect example. Discouragement is like a hammer that keeps hitting on a nail until it totally sinks. Discouragement at times can be a death sentence to some individuals if they are not cognizant of how manipulative and deceptive it is.

I once had an open vision of a woman that was very ill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. I saw the woman, then I saw her mind and, in her mind, a blackbird pecking continuously. In the realm of the spirit, I knew exactly that it was the spirit of discouragement. I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit telling me to tell her she is not to worry and she needs to trust him. The Lord was with this woman, but she was traumatized by the fact that she had cancer.

Now, it is vital that we know that discouragement seek opportunities daily to destroy, to oppress and to attack. As the script says in Ecclesiastes 7:7- Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad.

Discouragement oppresses many individuals daily. It is a very intelligent spirit; in fact, it will operate without anyone knowing. There are different ways in which the spirit of discouragement works and can effectively destroy the lives of individuals. I must state that when one is lacking in knowledge, discouragement will hijack such a one destiny to destroy it.

Whenever one doesn’t know who they are, where they are from, the reason they are here on this earth, what they can do and what has been deposited in their life by their creator, the great I Am, they can become easily discouraged. Moreover, when you know the path in life that you have been called, comes what may, you will push harder, and discouragement will be crushed.

When an individual has the answers to these questions, I tell you it’s not easy for the spirit of discouragement to penetrate their life that easily. Discouragement speaks, and at times our human side will listen, answer and react. However, if we allow the spirit of the Lord to operate in us and through us, discouragement will be nullified. We must never base our faith on how we are feeling when we are discouraged because, during times like this, we will make bad decisions that can alter the course of our lives. It can even be detrimental.

The fact that discouragement can be so discreet and it stays close to its victims without one even recognizing proves how deadly it can be. Discouragement is a poison that works slowly to cramp and paralyze it’s victims. Many people today that are diagnosed with depression were first discouraged. Beloved, discouragement is a very convincing spirit. It can convince a man who is rich that he is poor and a healthy man that he is sick.

Psalm 42:11- Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

It’s a fact that as human beings we will face discouragement but as the scripture says, ‘Why art thou cast down O my soul? It’s for us to speak to ourselves and encourage ourselves with the word of the Lord in songs and hymns. The word also says in

Proverbs 27:17- Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

This is saying that as iron is used to sharpen another iron so it is when a friend is down and is facing hard time we must encourage them. By doing that, their spirit will be lifted in the name of Jesus. We must water the soul and spirit with the word of the Lord.

Though discouragement is such a wicked tool in the hands of satan, as believers, we have the ability to overcome discouragement. When you put your hope and confidence in Jesus Christ, he will deliver you. When you know that the great I am is with you and lives within you it brings unspeakable joy. When you are aware that the testing of your faith produces perseverance and you are cognizant that Jesus Christ will never forsake you it gives you comfort and confidence to rebuke discouragement. For discouragement to effectively take root and operate in one’s life, that person first have to listen then come into agreement with the voice of satan.

Below are some prayer points for you so that you can pray against the spirit of discouragement.

  1. Father, in name of Jesus Christ, have mercy on me according to thy loving kindness and wash me from my sins.
  2. Oh Lord, purge me with hyssop that I may be clean in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  3. Abba Father, I look to you today, mould me, and make me after your will in Jesus’ name.
  4. Oh Lord, grant me the grace to know that the battle belongs to you.
  5. Oh Lord, help me to be strong and courageous. Help me to not be afraid or discouraged in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  6. Father, help me to trust the plans that you have for me in Jesus’ name.
  7. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
  8. I close every door that I have consciously and unconsciously opened for the spirit of discouragement to operate in my life in Jesus’s name.
  9. I reject and cancel every form of discouragement out of my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
  10. I resist the spirit of discouragement, and I cast it out of my life to be destroyed in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  11. I nullify every agenda of discouragement, and I bury you today in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  12. Oh Lord, let your power that breaks the yoke fall upon my life today in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  13. Abba, Father, make me immune against the power and effects of discouragement. Let the entire armour be upon me in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  14. I decree and declare that I am who the Lord says I am. I have what the Lord says I have, and I can do what the Lord says I can do in Jesus Christ mighty name.
  15. I receive the power to overcome the spirit of discouragement in Jesus Christ mighty name.
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2 thoughts on “Spirit Of Discouragement”

  1. Of all my thinking Wow!!! It also take the spirit of the lord to give revelation. I must say THANK you, you see I have an interest in warfare but no time did I focus on the word Discouragement as a Spirit but indeed it is and a very dangerous one that many Christians tend to overlook, so again thank you and Meerut the good work in editing others.

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