Relationship with Jesus Christ

relationship with jesus christ

Once someone identifies themselves with Jesus Christ, proclaim to be born again and have accepted Him as their personal Lord and Saviour, they must have a relationship with Him. A relationship is considered to be an agreement with both parties where communication, trust, love, and maturity is important. A relationship with Jesus Christ is one of the most important things in a Christian’s life. To have a relationship with Jesus Christ one must read his Word daily so that it can be written upon the table of one’s heart. Then no doubt the Word of God will become the standard of one’s life. This way, the Holy Spirit can bring back to their remembrance what they have read when they need it.

John 14:26- But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Today, many individuals refuse to read the Word of God although the scripture clearly states that we should meditate in his Word day and night. When Christians do not read the Word of God the Holy Spirit has nothing to bring back to remembrance.

Psalms 1:2- says, “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night”. If two people are engaged in a relationship they will have to communicate. Proper communication is an important key to have a great relationship.

Proverbs 9:10- The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. If one identifies themselves to be a Christian, they should have the fear of the Lord which will result in them having the wisdom of God. The fear of the Lord is a spirit and each Christian needs to have this spirit in their heart. Many are not aware that the fear of the Lord is a spirit so they ask not, therefore, they have not.

Isaiah 11:2- And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD

Today many err because of not knowing the scripture. As Christians, we must saturate our spiritual man with the Word of the Lord. The Word of the Lord should be knitted into one’s spirit. Within any true child of God must dwell the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It is impossible for a couple to be married and to not talk to each other daily. Now with Jesus, he dwells within our hearts, we must let the Holy Spirit take control of our entire life. We must hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and also listen as many hear but refuses to listen. Jesus said, ‘My sheep hear my voice’.

If Christians say they don’t know the voice of the Lord, it is simply because they are listening with their ears and not with their hearts.  The scripture says that Jesus calls us friend therefore what friend there is that doesn’t know the voice of their friend. When I was much younger the Lord taught me that at the beginning of any relationship between two individuals, they wouldn’t know each other voice pattern.  However, after being in a relationship for some time they would automatically know the voice of their friend even if they call them from an unknown number.

They would know this is not my friend’s phone but indeed my friend’s voice. Therefore, if you say you have been a Christian for years and know not the voice of God, are you then his friend?

When one reads the Word of God and operate in it then their heart will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Men’s heart is the contact point with God hence we must meditate upon the Word of the Lord day and night. We must acknowledge Him first in whatever we are doing. Presently, many that call themselves Christians don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Many are focused on this physical life, on getting an education and material things. Many will spend hours studying for an exam but they wouldn’t spend fifteen minutes reading God’s Word. I have come to know that it is our spiritual lives that fuel the engine for our physical lives. I will say to someone today if you are not prospering in your spiritual life everything else is foolishness. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you.

This time that we are living in is the time for the gathering of God’s people. It saddens the heart of the Lord to see many of his children’s eyes covered with scales. Many Christians today are spiritually illiterate. Many are still wearing diapers and sipping milk from their bottles after being in church for Fifty years or more. They still don’t know the Lord. This is simply because they don’t read God’s Word. The scripture says that the Word of the Lord must be taught line upon line and precept upon precept.

1 Corinthians 2:14- But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

Although you may be going to a church, I implore you not to sit saying, ‘I am waiting for my pastor to teach me’. It is of vital importance that we mature spiritually, read the bible, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us. Believers must be filled with the Spirit of God. The Word of the Lord cannot be understood with natural wisdom.  The Word of the Lord is spirit, God is a Spirit.

The scripture says, in the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  If the Word is God and his saints do not know his Word then they simply don’t know God. Trust is an important factor when one enters into a relationship with Jesus. In my early adult life, I remember going to the ocean, lying on my back floating and while I was floating it felt so good, I then heard the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me.  He said, ‘this is how I need you to trust me, the waves are carrying you and you don’t know where you are going but you allow the waves to carry you’. It was during my everyday life experiences that the Lord taught me many profound things.

If a Christian becomes ill, it doesn’t mean that they are not a true Christian as one can be sick and still be a friend of God. In this life, something will take us home. While I do agree that many sicknesses are satanic bondage and deliverance is required, as Christians, we must never base our faith on how we are feeling. Beloved, life comes in stages and in each season we must embrace and acknowledge what God is saying.

Once in my life, I lost almost all that I had, I was not as mature as I am now however, it was during this season that I became closer to God. I learned that anything that brings us closer to God is not an enemy but a friend.  The thing that satan thought would have destroyed me took me closer to Jesus. A true child of God hope is not in their possession but is in Christ Jesus.  A true child of God will seek to know God through His Word and will walk in His Word. They will seek to please their King.

May the Lord bless and keep you and saturate your hearts, may the Word of Lord be knitted into your heart in Jesus’s name. Amen!

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6 thoughts on “Relationship with Jesus Christ”

  1. According to Revelation 4:11, God created all things for His pleasure. How can we pleasure Him, by reading His word, praying singing songs of worshiping, etc.

  2. Excellent teaching! If a believer don’t have a relationship with God, you’re like a bread without yeast. “ Psalm 119:105, His word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path. Not having that relationship with Christ you’re left in the dark. Everyone knows what will happen when you’re in the dark, a lot of stumbling, falling down, etc.

  3. Bless the Lord, it was only last night I was reading the book of 2 Timothy 2:15 which states: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. If we don’t know the words of God it is impossible for us as Christians to apply them to your life. Thanks very much for this my sister God bless you, sanctify you and keep you and you ministry covered.

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